Roman Samsonov
Head of Gas and Arctic Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Coordinator for International Relations and Foreign Economic Activity, the Expert Council of the Union of Oil and Gas Organisations of the Russian Gas Society
Professor Roman Samsonov is widely known in the Russian and international energy community as a top manager and scientist, who has achieved great professional heights in both business and the scientific field. Prior to joining the business school SKOLKOVO, Roman Samsonov held executive positions in the largest Russian oil and gas companies and research organizations. Samsonov gained his professional experience during the 1980s-2000s, when he worked in various enterprises and organizations related to the Soviet and Russian fuel and energy sector.
In 2003-2004, Samsonov became the head of the Government and Public Sector programs of IBM Business Consulting in Eastern Europe-Asia. During 2005-2010 Samsonov was the General Director of Gazprom VNIIGAZ: the main scientific and technological center of the Gazprom Group. In this capacity, he implemented a number of key projects for the gas company, including work on the calculation of hydrocarbon reserves in the fields and the creation of underground gas storages; the development of sectoral programs for Gazprom's priority activities, including the general scheme for the development of the gas industry; the program for the development of Eastern Siberia and the Yamal peninsula, as well as the creation of Gazprom's IT-strategy and many other projects. The team of scientists which he led was awarded the 2007 Science and Technology Prize of the Russian Government for the technology of building up commercial hydrocarbon reserves based on the example of the Shtokman gas and condensate field.
Subsequently, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Central Geophysical Expedition; Deputy-Director of the Department for Advanced and Technological Planning at Rosneft, overseeing all scientific-design institutes of the company (2012-2013); and Deputy-Director General for Science and Development at Rosgeology. From 2007-2010 he headed the basic cafedra of "Gas Technology and UGS" in Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University, where he continues to hold the title of Professor. In 2015 Roman Samsonov was elected as the Chairman of the working initiative on "Security of pipelines" (SIPS), operating under the Trade Program of the European Economic Commission for the United Nations in Geneva, where he was previously the leading expert of the Gas Center of the UNECE Energy Committee.
Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, MBA, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Roman Samsonov is author of more than 200 books and articles on the energy industry, as well as co-author of 17 patents and inventions.