Davor Štern
Former-Minister of Economy, Energy and Trade of Croatia
Former-CEO of Croatian Oil and Gas Company INA
European Parliament Candidate EP Elections 2019
Mr Davor Štern is considered to be the best connoisseur of the energy field in the region, with more than 40 years of experience in leading positions oil and gas sector in South East Europe, Russia and former USSR. He served as the CEO of Croatian national oil company INA — Industrija nafte in the late 1990s, with over 16,000 employees. Mr. Stern was leading the integration team of the Russian TNK after it was purchased by BP in the early 2000s. He worked in oil, gas and other commodity sourcing, traffic and trading in the former USSR.
Mr. Stern served as the head assistant of the Croatian MFA and the Minister of Economy, Energy and Trade in the late 1990s and as the elected member of the City of Zagreb Assembly with a 4 years" mandate until 2017.
Currently, he supports the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in their Scientific Council, and works as an independent consultant on regional acquisitions in oil and gas industry, aluminum, banking and finance. Mr. Stern is one of Croatian candidates at the European elections 2019. He speaks English, Russian, German, Italian and Hebrew.