Ana Stanič
Ana Stanič is an English Solicitor Advocate and a Professor at Technische Universität in Berlin, and UIBE in China. She founded E&A Law in 2007 following 12 years of work across government and major legal firms. She has been based in London since 1998, but has always operated internationally and is multilingual. She specialises in providing tailored advice services to states, international institutions and energy companies in the fields of energy, dispute resolution and EU and international law. In the field of energy she advises on high-level strategic questions, with experience in fields such as maritime border disputes, oil and gas resources straddling boundaries, concession agreements to construct large energy infrastructure projects, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, privatisations, and host-government agreements to build pipelines. She is currently advising on EU Green Deal, Covid Recovery Package and Brexit.
Ana also advises on EU law, particularly in energy, environment and state aid, and how it relates to international law. She has given expert evidence to the European Economic and Social Committee of the European Parliament on the inter-relationship between EU and international law as well as to other international institutions. She is regularly invited by governments, international institutions and leading companies to partake in brain-storming and high level discussions including those organized by Wilton Park.
She regularly acts as counsel in investment treaty and commercial arbitrations including gas price reviews. She has appeared in the Court of Justice of the European Union. She is ranked amongst the leading energy and public international lawyers by Chambers & Partners and Legal 500.